
Best DrawPj.com Online Gallery – DrawPj.com Art Competition 2012

Awarded by Chris Postle This person was selected from all personal galleries to be awarded for the student gallery with the highest standard of artworks created either within the DrawPj.com art course or outside of the art course. This prize includes a trophy and certificate. Awarded to: Brownie Example artwork: Title: ‘Lemon’ Medium: Oil painting Judge’s […]

Best Major Project Award – DrawPj.com Art Competition 2012

Awarded by Chris Postle For the artwork that demonstrates technical excellence and an emotional connection to the subject. Sponsored by: Chroma Australia  This prize includes a trophy, certificate and $280 worth of art materials. Awarded to: Angela Deck Artwork chosen: Title: ‘Urban Décor’ Medium: Graphite on Stonehenge Size: 9 x 12 inches Judges Comments: Yes you […]

Most Promising Artist – DrawPj.com Art Competition 2012

Awarded by Course Founder Cindy Wider  For the most promising artist is selected from all beginner and mentored level members. This prize includes a trophy, certificate and 12 months complimentary study under Cindy Wider in the Mentored Level area of DrawPj.com Awarded to: Scott Kunkle Example artwork: Title: ‘Jayne and Look-a-like Doll’ Medium: graphite on […]

‘Before and After’ Gallery

These drawings represent the progress of students drawing skills while studying the ‘Complete Drawing and Painting Certificate Course’ via internet correspondence. You will notice on the left side that people enter the course at various levels of drawing ability, but everyone achieves a dramatic improvement as seen on the right side. Every person here had […]