From realism to abstraction, children’s book illustration styles and representational art in its many forms, I work with artists in seven different mediums.
This showcase is just a small selection of the artworks created by some of the 50 mentored students that I teach on an on-going basis. Some of my students are more active than others producing from one to twelve pieces per year. Each of my students study at their own pace on their unique pathway. Every student artwork is respected and appreciated for exactly where the student is currently at.
I’m so proud of them all. Each and every student artist (whose artwork is presented here) came to me as a complete beginner at some stage in their journey with me. These artworks are a testament to their character and dedication to the love of drawing. This showcase demonstrates that drawing is indeed a perfectly teachable, learnable skill. I encourage you to consider learning to draw once and for all too! Its a remarkable experience that will change your life forever!
I hope you enjoy all of these wonderful artworks in this showcase as much as I have enjoyed bringing this together for you. Please take a moment to appreciate the journey of each and every single artwork and share this showcase with others to enjoy too.
For more information about mentoring with Cindy Wider:
If you’d like to know more about my mentored program and course curriculum please email me Cindy Wider or fill in the form at this link: