Artist Linda Elliott in her home studio
There’s something precious about Linda Elliott’s pet portraits, she has this amazing gift of capturing their character in a special moment of time. Her artworks are cheerful, heart-warming and show alot of love in their making. Linda’s dedication to learning to draw is so inspiring. She has climbed over many obstacles, walked through amazing journeys and persisted all the way, to get to where she is today. From one fabulous heart-felt commissioned pet portrait to another, she is very dedicated to bringing happiness and joy into the lives of others through her gift of drawing their precious furry family members.
You’re invited to sit back, relax and enjoy seeing this spectacular showcase of beautiful artworks Linda has created, while learning about her personal journey from a beginner to professional artist. I hope you enjoy this moment in time, as much as I have while creating this interview.

Title: 6. Frenchie Size: 9”x11” Medium: Charcoal pencil
Interview with Linda Elliott by Cindy Wider
Q: Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re from
A: My name is Linda Elliott, I was born in northern New Jersey, USA. New Jersey is located on the east coast of the United States. I live in a small town and have lived in this area all my life. We are located 45 minutes from New York City, so we have access to some of the world-famous art museums and theatres.
I worked for NJ Bell/AT&T for 31 years. I started as a telephone operator (one ringy dingy) and worked my way up to management. Worked as a computer technician, doing desktop support before I retired from AT&T. Then I worked for a special needs school system installing and maintaining their computers and network. Retired from that job 8 years ago.

Artist: Linda Elliott Title: 7. Rusty Size: 9”x12″ Medium: Pastel pencil
Q: How did you get started with art and drawing as an adult?
A: I was always drawing, doodling and coloring as a kid. Then I took up photography and developed and printed my own pictures. Then in my fifties I had the urge that I wanted to paint. I was watching Bob Ross on TV and he made you feel that you could do it. I took a number of Bob Ross classes that were held in art stores. I took a lot of art courses online and in person. Then I found DrawPJ. I took the Complete Online Drawing course and learned more in the first two weeks of the course than all the courses I tried. It was the best decision I have made.

Artist: Linda Elliott Title: Tiger Size: 9”x12” Medium: Colored pencil and Pastel mat paper
Q: What were your greatest fears before you started the course?
A: That I didn’t have the talent to draw and I would fail the course.

Artist: Linda Elliott Title: A selection of images created by Linda from the very first section of the Complete Online Drawing Course.
Q: What were your expectations, dreams or goals when you first began your course?
A: My goal was to make my drawings much more realistic. I wanted to learn the skills of drawing and take my drawings to the next level.

Artist: Linda Elliott Title: A selection of images from the second and third section of the course.

Artist: Linda Elliott Title: The famous ‘Shoe Well-travelled’ project from the second section of the course. Its a challenge that every student has to rise to, and usually experiences a breakthrough when completing it.
Q:What do you think of your progress now, when you look at your early works and pre-instruction drawing you created way back then?
A: When I look at that drawing to see how far I’ve come blows my mind. Thanks to you Cindy, your support, patience, encouragement, gentle pushing; I have gotten to the next level.

Artist: Linda Elliott Title: The image on the left is Linda’s portrait when she first started her course. The image on the right was created at part way through the course.

Artist: Linda Elliott Title: Images from the course Medium: Coloured pencil
Q: What was it like studying with mentored support?
A: Mentoring with you has been the best thing that has happened to my art. You have taught me the skills to become more confident in myself as an artist. I would highly recommend mentoring with you. I have recommended to several people to mentor with you. Your insight and knowledge would definitely make them better artists.

Artist: Linda Elliott Title: Ransom & Charlie Size: 12”x16” Medium: Colored Pencil and Canson Mi-Teintes paper Description: Commission from a friend
Q: What kind of drawings are you doing right now?
A: I mostly have been doing pets- dogs and cats. I have had quite a few commissions for dogs. I love doing pets, I find it very enjoyable. I love seeing their reaction when they see the drawing of their pet for the first time. It is a very satisfying experience and happy feeling. Oh what a feeling.

Artist: Linda Elliott Title: Zeus Size: 12.5 ” x 15.5″ Medium: Pastelmat paper Polychromos, Caran d’Arche and Pitt pastel pencils
Q: Do you have any favourite drawings that you’ve created since studying at DrawPj?
A: The drawing of my Mom and the drawing of my four dogs are my favourites. I gave my sister and brother a copy of my drawing and they both cherish it.

Artist: Linda Elliott Title: Mom Size: 14”x17” Medium: Graphite Description: Drawing of my Mom at 16

Artist: Linda Elliott Title: 3. Puppy Love Size: 20” x 25” Medium: Colored Pencil Description: Drawing of my last four dogs.
Q: What are your favourite art materials and why?
A: I love graphite and colored pencils. My favourite colored pencils are FC Polycromos and Caran d’Arche. I love the hardness of the polycromos, you can get finer details with these pencils. I wish they had more colors like Prismacolor pencils. The Carans are a little softer and the have a variety of different from the polys. I love pastel mat paper because you can get more layers of color on the paper. With colored pencils I love using colored paper over white paper.

Artist: Linda Elliott Title: 10. Maggie Size: 14” x 17” Medium: Graphite Description: Drawing as a house warming gift for my friends. When she brought the picture home after being framed, she set it on the floor and Maggie came over and sat down in front of the picture as if to say she knew it was of her and she liked it.
Q: Do you have any words of helpful advice for beginner artists?
A: Take Cindy’s Complete Online Drawing course from Cindys Drawing Club, it will get you off into the right direction. Then mentor with her, you will learn so much more about how to draw and to see as and artist. Be patience with yourself, don’t give up and keep pushing yourself to master your drawing skills. Like Cindy says “Just Show Up at the table and the rest will take care of itself”. Keep drawing and you will get there.
Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: Keep working on my drawing skills, do more commissions of pet portraits and some wild animal portraits.
OMG, Linda. Congratulations! These drawings are just wonderful!
They jump off the page. You go girl!
Linda, everything you do is excellent! I always look forward to seeing the next one.
Very impressive! My husband (Linda’s brother) and I have 4 pieces. We love seeing them every day.
She has emerged as an artist to great heights.
Lin, I am so proud of you…this was an excellent interview. I must admit that I am a bit prejudice because you are my sister…Your art work astounds me with every one you do. Who knew????? Keep on coloring…Love ya..
Congratulations! The tiger is gorgeous!!
Such BEAUTIFUL work … you certainly capture the personalities of these special friends !!