There’s a whole team of amazing people who all come together to help make one of the leading drawing course websites in the world today.
In this new blog post series you’ll get to know our wonderful team members a little better. First up is the amazing Canadian Artist and fully certified DrawPj instructor Tannis Trydal!
Introducing Tannis

Tannis Trydal
Tannis has been with us since the very early online days in 2009 when Cindy was presenting her courses on Drawspace. Around that time Cindy and I decided it was time to set up our own online Drawing Academy (
Tannis was originally studying with Cindy, and showed so much dedication to Cindy’s courses that Cindy asked Tannis to train and become’s first certified instructor.
Tannis completed her instructor training and certification in 2010. Since that time hundreds of students have benefitted from Tannis’s expertise, genuine caring and guidance.
Expert Video Feedback
In the video below you can see Tannis in action, providing an in-depth video critique to student Sheila Russell Perry.

“Some Bunny Loves You”
by Tannis Trydal
An Accomplished Artist
In addition to being an excellent mentor and instructor Tannis is also an accomplished artist in her own right.
Most recently Tannis’s graphite pencil drawing of her darling grandson titled ‘Some Bunny Loves Me’ was accepted into the National, Federation of Canadian Artists Juried ‘Go Figure’ Exhibition and competition to be held in Vancouver during May 2018.
Over the years Tannis’s artworks have been selected for 20 Canadian art shows and included in touring exhibitions. Her artworks have received many awards including two first prizes in Federation of Canadian Artists exhibitions.
Testimonials for Tannis
When I first decided that I wanted to learn to draw, I researched thoroughly to find a course that I believed would suit me well. I didn’t really want to spend too much money. It was to be a hobby and to support me to complete some original watercolour paintings. I came across Drawpj and decided to sign up for the course without instructor support. The course offers instructor support for
the first 3 weeks and I was assigned to Tannis.
From the outset, Tannis was amazing! She provided me with such excellent personalized feedback that I realized very quickly Tannis’s feedback would be a key component to my success. As a direct result of Tannis’s feedback in those first couple of weeks, I committed to the instructor supported form of the course.
It has been and still is such a satisfying experience for me because I came to the course with absolutely no drawing or artistic skills, and throughout, Tannis has gently encouraged, and guided me through each unit of the course. I have had many struggles along the way and Tannis has always been encouraging but at the same time has provided so many practical ways to improve my skills, which have been very achievable due to her clear and methodical guidance.
Tannis uses a voice over in a graphics program to provide feedback, which is excellent because she is talking while she has my artwork on her screen. It allows her to visually demonstrate her verbal feedback/suggestions, which I find incredibly useful and practical.
Along with her excellent knowledge of drawing and teaching, Tannis alwaysmgives me feedback so quickly. I can hardly believe the timeframe for thefeedback! It really is one of the great aspects of having Tannis as my personal mentor that I just love because often I don’t have great amounts of time available and to get rapid feedback is just so helpful and it allows me to progress much faster than I thought could be possible.
In my work life I am a secondary school teacher and I know a good teacher when I see one, and Tannis is definitely a great teacher.
My daughter was so impressed with the feedback I received from Tannis that she enrolled my granddaughter into the drawing course with Tannis as her instructor also.
Tannis really does ooze warmth, respect, valuable advice, and I feel she really cares about not only my art / drawing progression but also about me as a person.
Although I have never met Tannis face to face, she has become one of a small handful of people who have had a huge positive influence on my life.
Through her I have learned to draw, but also so much more about numerous aspects of art. Once upon a time, I wanted to go to art school but I went to university and became an academic instead. The dream got buried before I had even learned to draw.
But then, one day I discovered DrawPJ. The course itself is very thorough, and really covers everything you need to know with notes and videos, so you might wonder why you need a teacher.
In fact, having Tannis supervising my drawing has made this course a really inspiring and meaningful experience and enabled me to see that, with sufficient commitment, it is possible to become an artist.
Not only does Tannis have a real depth of knowledge as an artist that she shares openly but she is incredibly warm and encouraging so that I feel excited every time I read and listen to her feedback.
She has even coached me through the tricky business of teaching my son some of the very same drawing skills I have been learning! I have asked her about many aspects of art from practical to theoretical and she always provides insightful responses showing both her depth of knowledge as well as her skill and commitment as an art teacher.
Tannis really is a highly gifted artist and art teacher and a very special person.
Study with Tannis
If you would like to study one-to-one with Tannis register for the DrawPj Mentoring Program. Specifically mention Tannis when completing the application form.
More about Tannis
For more information about Tannis view Tannis’s Team Profile.