
'Alex and Arie' by Marta Oliehoek

Can you imagine how proud our wonderful student Marta Oliehoek must have felt when she gave this gorgeous drawing to her father in law for his birthday.

This is so special because its something she has created with her bare hands – and he loved it so much that immediately hung it on the wall. Its such a joyful feeling to impress our loved ones with artworks. Well done Marta on creating this gorgeous artwork in coloured pencil titled ‘Alex and Arie’

Marta’s drawings have been developing at a rapid rate over the past few months as she continues to refine her coloured pencil application and more deeply understand how to create form with the optical illusion of colour temperature, hue and tone. She has the excellent ability to be able to take any advice given to her and apply it in a way that goes beyond what is expected of her. This shows that she works hard, has determination and courage. Well done Marta, I look forward to now helping you move towards the professional selling artist level. You deserve every bit of success that is about to come your way. Keep learning, keep adjusting and developing as you move into this next phase of your journey.