As a new year begins, students studying from the previous year begin to graduate from our course. I love to celebrate their journeys and here is another amazing showcase of student success!

From the beginning of the Complete Online Drawing Course – Oscar the Ted and Tallulah the Cat
In this showcase you can see the works by the amazing mentored student Avril Parkes who has studied under the careful eye of her DrawPj Certified instructor Tannis Trydal. Over the past year Tannis has guided, encouraged and advised Avril as she slowly developed real drawing skills.

More Exercises from the Complete Online Drawing Course at
As a result Avril is now creating amazing coloured pencil artworks and has even been asked to hold an exhibition in a restaurant and is commissioned to create works for sale. She has almost completed her course and already you can see a massive leap in her progression when she moved into our coloured pencil section of the course.

Drawing created independently towards end of Complete Online Drawing Course
Her final drawing of the cute little dog ‘Basil’ was created in pastels. All of the skills Avril has learned from her DrawPj course have helped her to get to the stage she is now in her drawing journey. Exciting times are ahead for sure for Avril!

Independent drawing when nearing end of The Complete Online Drawing Course