The Complete Online Drawing Course
Learn to Draw without wasting precious time
If you’ve always dreamed of learning to draw, or if you’ve been drawing for a while and know you need to master the basic fundamentals, then you’re in exactly the right place.
No more wasting precious time searching around the internet looking for random tutorials. No more wondering if you’re learning the right thing. This is a structured step-by-step course that works.
This course (and so much more) is included in Cindy's Drawing Club membership.
Get started Immediately!
- Pencil
- Pencil sharpener
- Paper or sketchpad
- Plastic eraser
Note: A computer printer is also helpful if you want to print project booklets. As you travel through the course you’ll add to your supplies along the way.
“Now drawing is the enjoyable, peaceful, fulfilling, therapeutic, energizing activity that I knew all along it should be. Gone are the feelings of frustration, defeat, and disappointment. Thank you Cindy for creating this course!”
“I love the way it is written – small chunks of tasks that you can do as much or as little of as you’ve time for. Much better than any book I’ve seen.”
Your 6 Step Plan to Creating Your Own Original Drawings
Step 1: Start out nice and easy…
Basic shapes and construction drawing: All the fundamentals. Master these and you’ll feel your confidence growing already. Lots of fun introductory projects like ‘Peppie the Pup’ build your skills step-by-step.

Step 2: Wow! It looks so realistic!
Shading and Form: Those skills you’ve admired in other artists for so long are now becoming your skills too. Projects like ‘The Shoe Well Travelled’ will challenge you (by this stage you’re up to the task!) Your drawing will almost ‘pop’ off the page, amazing yourself and those around you.

Step 3: Commission-worthy drawings
Portraiture: Capturing a likeness is one of the most admirable skills in art. It’s so satisfying. By the end of this section you’ll be well on your way to pencil and charcoal portraiture mastery. Some students even begin taking commissions at this point. (Yes, the portraits shown here are created by DrawPj students and they were all absolute beginners when they first started with us.)

Step 4: Look at the world in a new way
Perspective and Proportion: How can you realistically represent the three-dimensional world on a flat piece of paper? How do things we see change as they get closer, further away or turn towards us? These questions are all answered with perspective. Your eyes are now open to a whole new way of seeing and drawing.

Step 5: Fall in love with Colour
Coloured Pencil Techniques: It’s time to break out. Move beyond shading and into the wonderful world of colour. If you’ve ever wondered how professional coloured pencil artists can create artworks that are so rich, vibrant and with such painterly detail then wonder no more. You’re about to discover the secret.

Step 6: Original Art. Made by You.
Composition: Your ultimate goal. An original drawing that is completely yours. We’ll show you the way, but everything you’ve learnt so far in the course has prepared you for this moment. You’ll have all the skills to create beautiful artworks, each one as unique as you are. (Yes, again the drawings shown here are all by DrawPj students who were beginners once.)

About the Course Author
Cindy Wider
Artist, Author and Co-founder of
Cindy is a professional artist, author and art instructor with over 25 years of experience sharing her passion for art with her students.
As one of the internet’s most experienced instructors teaching on-line since 2008 she is the co-founder of
Her unique method of teaching is known as ‘The Cindy Wider Method’. The course which is based upon Cindy’s method is The Complete Online Drawing Course.

Cindy is an official ambassador for Derwent Products
Cindy’s Featured Students
Here are a selection of artworks created by DrawPj Students…
Our Students Are Drawing Awesome Andy Snufflewoods!
Check out the cuddly badger characters created by DrawPj students studying my new course ‘Coloured Pencil Character Drawing Secrets’.
Outstanding DrawPj Alumni and Student Artworks
In this gallery we present a selection of outstanding recent artworks created by students who are either currently studying the Complete Online Drawing Course or who have graduated from the course and are now applying their skills to their own artworks.
Alina Claudia’s Wonderfully Textured ‘Holiday’ Drawing
Here’s a stunning drawing of our optional shading project ‘The Holiday’ created by Alina Claudia who is studying our course as a self-teach student.
A Charming English Country Cottage by Denise Burns
This is the final project for the perspective section of our course and Denise has really created a fabulous artwork here.
Exciting Times Ahead for Avril Parkes
In this showcase you can see the works by the amazing mentored student Avril Parkes who has studied under the careful eye of her DrawPj Certified instructor Tannis Trydal.
Blossoming Artist Susanne Norling
Susanne has shown that she has really grasped the principles presented in our course. There are beautiful gradations, soft edges, hard edges and stunning colour changes in her work.
Marta Oliehoek-Samitowska: Celebrating the Journey So Far
Marta has travelled through our course so beautifully and along the way she created original pieces of her own.
Liesbeth Ramon: From Beginner to Gorgeous Portraiture
Liesbeth creates gorgeous drawings (often portraits of family members) as she reinforces all that she learned at
The Amazing Progress of Ryan Lee
Ryan is making massive progress in a very short space of time.
Janet Daniel: From Beginner to Internationally Selling Pet Portrait Artist
Janet is now creating many commissioned artworks and selling internationally! She is constantly busy with her pet portraits and can barely keep up with the demand.
Helen Hanby: Subtle Perspective Changes Make All The Difference
This coloured pencil landscape drawing was created by our mentored student Helen Hanby from her own reference photograph.
Deepti Mohile’s Mentoring Program Birds
Deepti Mohile has progressed through the DrawPj Mentoring Program and has now created stunning images of birds.
Robert Wenzel: A Beautifully Rendered “Shoe Well Travelled”
Take a look at this stunning drawing of our ‘Shoe Well-travelled’ project from the shading and form section of our course.
Lynn Nelson: Amazing Progress Only Halfway Through The Course
Take a look at the amazing and wonderful progression that DrawPj mentored student Lynn Nelson has experienced.
The Personalised Course Exercises of Sofia Arastu
Sofia has put three of the cute characters from our course together in one image; Peppie the Pup, Tallulah Ted and Fred the Sausage Dog.
The Complete Course Curriculum
Want to know everything that’s in the course? Here’s the complete list.
Introduction and Orientation
Create a Pre-Instruction Drawing
The Beginner Drawing Family Facebook Group
Recommended Art Supplies
Studying with a DrawPj Mentor
Study Blocks for DrawPj Mentored Students
Construction Drawing (pencil)
Essential Skills
Halving Lines
Drawing Angles
Introduction to Scribble Gesture
Introduction to Basic Shapes
Drawing Rectangles
Drawing Triangles
Drawing Circles
Drawing Ellipses
Drawing Bell Shapes
Construction Drawing Examples
Essential Skills: Downloadable Booklets
Essential Skills Summary
Essential Skills - Projects
Peppie the Pup: Downloadable Project Booklets
Peppie the Pup – Part A: Construction Drawing
Peppie the Pup – Part B: Outline Drawing
Tallulah Ted: Downloadable Project Booklets
Tallulah Ted: Part A: Construction Drawing
Tallulah Ted: Part B: Outline Drawing
Major Project - Fred the Sausage Dog
Fred the Sausage Dog Outline Drawing
Fred the Sausage Dog Construction Drawing
Drawing 3D Solid Shapes
3D Solid Shapes – Sphere
3D Solid Shapes – Cylinder
3D Solid Shapes – Cone and Pyramid
Essential Skills - Bonus Project Booklets
Simple Man-made Objects
Marmalade the Rabbit Project
Oscar the Cat Project
Cyril the Squirrel Project
Cuddly Cat Bobby Project
Pencil Techniques - Six Pencil Techniques
Introduction and Smooth Shading Technique
Broad Stroke Technique
Chisel Point Technique
Fine Lines Technique
Cross Hatching Technique
Cross Hatching Technique
Erasing Techniques
Major Project: The Old Hay Shed
Introduction and the Graphite Transfer Method
Pencil Stroke Placement and Shadow Areas
Trees and Leaves
Background Elements
The Roof Area
Completing the Foreground
Pencil Techniques - Bonus Project Booklets
Giant Cherry Cupcake Project
Happy Campers Project
Happy Campers Project
Shining Lighthouse Project
Bonus Section: Extra Reading
Bonus Section: Draw People and Characters
How to Draw Cute! (Part B) – live webinar recording
Draw People and Cute Characters
Draw Characters Worksheet
Practical Application of Fundamental Techniques – ‘Baking for Mummy’
Shading and Form (pencil)
Shading Techniques
Create a Value Scale
Shaded Curves
Two Smooth Shading Techniques
Soft Edge
Hard Edge
Shading Techniques Summary
The Theory of Light and Shade
Theory of Light and Shade Booklet
Shade a Cube
Shade a Sphere
Shade a Cone
Shade a Cylinder
Theory of Light and Shade Summary
Shading - Bonus Project Booklets
Puddles the Boot Project
Frangipani Dreams Project
The Holiday Project
A Variety of Subjects
Shading - Clothing and Folds
Shaded Drawing of a Column Fold (tutorial)
Shaded Drawing of a Column Fold (speed drawing)
Major Project: Silver Kettle
Silver Kettle Tutorial
Silver Kettle Speed Drawing
Major Project: A Shoe Well Travelled
Part a: Introduction, first layer and sole stitching
Part b: Impressing technique in shoe folds
Part c: Laces and leather stitching
Part d: Rubber sole and summary
Bonus Project: The Little Urn
Shaded Drawing of the Little Urn (Tutorial)
Shaded Drawing of the Little Urn (speed drawing)
Portraiture (pencil & charcoal)
Pencil Portraiture
Shaded Drawing of the Human Eye (intro and tutorial)
Shaded Drawing of the Human Eye (speed drawing)
Shaded Drawing of the Human Nose (tutorial)
Shaded Drawing of the Human Nose (speed drawing)
Shaded Drawing of Human Lips (tutorial)
Shaded Drawing of Human Lips (speed drawing)
Shaded Drawing of the Human Ear (tutorial)
Shaded Drawing of the Human Ear (speed drawing)
Mark the Positions of the Individual Features on a Face
Project: Isha (Child Portrait)
Portrait of Isha part a – construction drawing and outline
Portrait of Isha part b – hair
Portrait of Isha part c – face and jumper
Portrait of Isha (speed drawing)
Charcoal Portraiture - Twelve Charcoal Techniques
Art Materials Video (part 1)
Art Materials Video (part 2)
Covering Large Areas with Willow Charcoal
Covering Medium Sized Areas with Willow Charcoal
Covering Small Areas with Willow Charcoal
Drawing Fine Lines with Willow Charcoal
Drawing Fine Lines with Charcoal Pencil
Creating Gradations with Blending
Creating Soft Edges with Blending
Creating Hard Edges
Hatching Lines with Willow Charcoal and Charcoal Pencil
Lines with Variations in Widths
Erasing Techniques
White Conte and White Charcoal Techniques
Project: Long Hair
Long Hair: Step 1
Long Hair: Step 2
Long Hair: Step 3 (part a)
Long Hair: Step 3 (part b)
Long Hair: Step 4 (part a)
Long Hair: Step 4 (part b)
Project: Short Hair
Short Hair: Steps 1 and 2
Short Hair: Step 3
Short Hair: Step 4
Bonus Project: Curly Hair
Curly Hair: Steps 1,2 and 3
Curly Hair: Step 4
Curly Hair: Steps 5 and 6
Curly Hair: Step 7
Curly Hair: Step 8
Major Project: Self Portrait
Initial Guidelines
Basic Outlines
The Final Outline (part a)
The Final Outline (part b)
Shading Eyes
Shading Eyes (continued) and Forehead
Shading the Nose
Shading the Nose (continued)
Shading around the face
Drawing Lips / Shading Cheek and Neck
Shading Lips, Cheeks and Neck
Hair (part a)
Hair (part b)
Neck and Clothes
Bonus Projects
Child Portrait of Sumaya
Perspective and Proportion (pencil)
Draw Wooden Floorboards
Draw a Simple Interior with Floor Tiles
Draw Simple Rectangle Shapes
Draw a Bookcase
Draw a Fence
Draw a Ellipse in One Point Perspective
Draw an Opening Door
Draw some Steps
Draw the Outline of an Interior Room
Draw a Chair in One Point Perspective
Using a Scaling Stick to Draw Objects in Proportion
Project: Draw a Simple House in 3 point Perspective
Draw Wooden Floorboards
Draw a Simple Interior with Floor Tiles
Draw Simple Rectangle Shapes
Draw a Bookcase
Draw a Fence
Draw a Ellipse in One Point Perspective
Draw an Opening Door
Draw some Steps
Draw the Outline of an Interior Room
Draw a Chair in One Point Perspective
Using a Scaling Stick to Draw Objects in Proportion
Project: Draw a Simple House in 3 point Perspective
Bonus Project Booklets
Animal Frenzy
Major Project: House in English Countryside
Little House in the English Countryside (part a)
Little House in the English Countryside (part b)
Little House in the English Countryside (part c)
Little House in the English Countryside (part d)
Bonus Section: Grid Method
Grid Method: Copy a Pattern (part a)
Grid Method: Copy a Pattern (part b)
Grid Method Project: Prepare your Grid (part a)
Grid Method Project: Create your Drawing (part b)
Coloured Pencil
12 Coloured Pencil Techniques
Coloured Pencil Conversion Charts
Sharp Point
Dull Point
Cross Hatching
Striking Strokes
Bonus Pencil Technique Project Booklets
My Colourful Kingdom
Secret Winter Wonderland
Country Cottage
Introduction to the Colour Wheel
The Colour Swatch
Six Colour Schemes
Seeing Colour as Tone
Project: African Daisy
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Major Project: Apple
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Bonus Projects and Booklets
Luscious Strawberry Project Booklet
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7a
Step 7b
Step 8
Step 9
Composition Principles
How I Compose Original Art: Three Stage Process
The Planning Stage: Ten Principles of Composition
Analysis of an Artwork using the Ten Principles of Composition
Composition Structures
Creating Thumbnail Sketches using Composition Structures and Principles
Art Style and Inspiration
Cindy’s Art Style: Short film (for ABC OPEN)
Artist Style Case Study: Richard Klekociuk
Botanical Gardens Art Inspiration with Richard Klekociuk
Art Style Case Study: Jandamarra Cadd
Jandamarra Cadd: Bridging the Divide with Colours and Dots (for ABC Open)
Seven Tips to Find your Art Style
Example Outline Drawing: “Waiting for the Next Meal”
Example Thumbnail Colour Planning: “Waiting for Next Meal”
Speed Drawing: “Waiting for the Next Meal”
Colour a Hard Edge Drawing
Final Project: Compose an Original Drawing
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need any drawing experience to enroll?
This is for complete beginners and anyone who feels they need fundamental drawing skills. No experience necessary.
What ages is this suitable for?
This is suitable for adults no matter what age you are. It’s never too late to learn to draw.
How long does the course take to complete?
If you study for 2 hours per week most students would take approximately 12 months to complete the entire course.
What art supplies do I need?
To get started right away with the first part of the course all you need is: a pencil, sharpener, paper or sketchpad, Plastic eraser.
A computer printer is also useful if you want to print project booklets.
As you move through the course you will need to add more items to your supplies. For a shopping list see Recommended Art Supplies.
I am pleased that this course is so well designed; content broken into workable lessons with specific guidance, each lesson building on the prior one, and many examples for how the work should look.
This is a wonderful course with a real insight into the amazing techniques needed to create beautiful works of art, it’s helped me tremendously already I’m seeing a real change to my work.
This course (and so much more) is included in Cindy's Drawing Club membership.