Congratulations to Angela Deck a course participant who has just received two prestigious awards. Angela has won ‘Grand Champion’ in the Fine Arts division at the Sedgwick County Fair 2012 for her artwork titled ‘Urban Decor’ and she was also awarded 2nd place for the same artwork in the Kansas State Fair.
From a beginner to a multi-award winning artist, Angela Deck is showing great progress through the ‘Complete Drawing and Painting Certificate Course’ at and her instructor Brigitte Back is beaming with pride. Brigitte has been over-seeing Angela’s every exercise through the course and helping her to develop amazing skills in a very short space of time.
Above you can see the winning artwork titled ‘Urban Decor’ then we share with you Angela’s pre-instruction drawing; the ‘Before’ image that Angela created when she first began her studies with Then you can see her ‘After’ image which was created as the unit four final project piece. This progress of skill development is phenomenal given the short space of time.
The exciting news is that the results you see here with the before and after drawings is pretty typical progress that all of our course participants are able to achieve if they just ‘show up to the table’ and complete their course. The three-step teaching system that we use combined with traditional methods and techniques, helps our course participants to develop valuable brain pathways so that you can really and truly learn to draw in a very short space of time.
The creation of the artwork ‘Urban Decor’ however, is a piece that Angela created completely on her own outside of the course, using all of the new skills she had developed from just three units of our six unit course; unit 1, unit 3 and unit 4. Some course participants like Angela has done, choose to put in alot of extra drawing hours, creating artworks that are not a part of the course.
In the past we have found that course participants who do this extra work and put into practice what they have learned in our course develop even more quickly than others. Angela has gone above and beyond the call of duty in the course by practicing her skills outside of the course lessons. As a result she is now reaping the rewards from her dedication and able to draw a huge variety of subjects.
Well done Angela on an outstanding effort in your ‘Complete Drawing and Painting Certificate Course at! We will be keeping a keen eye on your artistic development as time goes on.