Last year before we released version 3 of The Complete Online Drawing course, we asked DrawPj Mentored Student Sheila Perry if we could share her entire journey through her course with Tannis Trydal. Sheila happily agreed and it was published on in January of 2018.
This series of posts which documents Sheila’s journey contains all the interactions between Sheila and her Mentor Tannis Trydal (apart from messages containing personal details and conversations.

End of course composition project by Sheila Perry
Subsequent changes to the website made these posts a bit hard to find, so we’re now re-celebrating Sheila’s wonderfully journey by posting it again.
It’s important to know when following Sheila’s journey that the Complete Drawing Course sections, projects and exercises have been re-ordered and updated in version 3 of the course, but you can still get a great idea here of the interactions in version 2 of the course between Sheila and her Mentor Tannis Trydal. Sheila also started the course at a time when instructors were changing over from PDF commenting to video screencast comments so you will see Tannis change from text feedback to video feedback early in the course.
So here it is… Sheila’s drawing journey.