
Here’s the link: https://drawpj.com/cfh-maxcuddleecat/

I’ll guide you step by step as you color cute little Max Cuddleecat.

The celebrations will take place in the Cindy Wider’s Cuddleecat Family and Friends Facebook Group from Wednesday the 1st of July for 7 days!

Here’s what’s happening in the group; You’ll be able to share your colored-in picture of little Max Cuddleecat with your fellow members, to support and encourage one another.

From Wednesday, I’ll be appearing in the group live to cheer you on, answer questions and share hints and tips on all things colored pencils.

After the celebrations I’ll create a special ‘Wall of Fame’ on my website at DrawPj.com where everyone who shares their little Max during the week will have him proudly displayed.

Just for joining in the celebrations during this first week of the launch, I’ve got a special welcome gift for you. It’s a drawing of little Max’s twin sister Maya. She’s all ready and waiting for you to colour her in too. I wonder what colour dress you’ll choose for her. You can share Maya into the group too!

So come on let’s get started. Gather your pencils and join in the fun!

Just go to the link here:  
and buy your Coloring For Happiness with little Max Cuddleecat course.