Mrs Henrietta Quill with her red velvet cupcake
Let me introduce you to Mrs Henrietta Quill the Hedgehog from my up-coming childrens picture book. She’s another fantastical character who lives in the imaginary village of Cuddleton set deep in the English-inspired woodlands where no human has ever been.
Everyone agrees that Mrs Henrietta Quill is the best cupcake baker in all of Cuddleton Village. She bakes all kinds of amazing cakes and is always busy working on her next special order for the characters in Cuddleton.
Last week in Cindys Drawing Club we all colored Mrs Henrietta Quill in our live show using just a few pastel pencils and the impressing technique. We colored her quills with reverse-blending to create quick easy gradations using just two colours. You can see some of our wonderful members’ drawings below.
Cindys Drawing Club Member Drawings
Mrs Henrietta Quill colored by our club members, using pastels pencils.
Cornelia Urlass
Karen Piper
Mary Egan