Do you struggle with procrastination? Some artists call this ‘Artist’s Block and it can really prevent you from creating the work you love and need to express in order to feel complete in life. It really is serious and worth discussing. Let’s first of all look at what this Artist’s Block is. When we know our enemy we are more better equipped to overcome it.
Sometimes it’s just a bit too hard to get started in the first place. You’ve got a long list of things swirling around in your head that need be done. You can’t even begin to think about time for yourself and what you want to do with your day. However, the thought of a nice warm cuppa is calling you… mmm, a nice frothy latté, and that new magazine you bought the other day; maybe if you just have a quick read…
Before you know it half the day has gone and you haven’t done a thing you were supposed to do. Suddenly the realisation sets in that you still have these things to do swirling around in your head; dishes, washing, typing up that thesis, shopping, and then there’s work tomorrow, so tomorrow’s out. Stress levels rise and you start flitting around everywhere trying to do all things at once. Next the phone rings. It’s your Mum, and you can’t be rude, so you have to sit and listen to all the latest family gossip. Besides, it’s interesting hearing what she has to say…
Before you know it, the time has come to pick up the kids from school. Oh well, you will just have to cram it all in when they get home. The kids start to fight because they pick up on your stress level so you are continually interrupted. Time to cook dinner and then your partner comes home from work tired, hungry and a little bit grumpy because something happened at work. You need to give him a bit of attention and listen to his problems. The kids still haven’t done their homework and the TV is too loud. The dog is barking for food and nobody put the rubbish out even though you asked very kindly. Wooah!

Artwork by Cindy Wider ‘My Home Is My Castle’
All this drama happened and you feel guilty because you know that you still didn’t achieve anything meaningful in your day. All of this just because you didn’t know how to get started in the first place. You procrastinated! (also known as ‘Artist’s Block’.
Procrastination distracts you with idle gossip, or traps you into watching the soapie shows, reading magazines and dreaming of what famous and beautiful people are doing. Maybe you choose to dwindle away potentially precious Pyjama Time™ (my terminology for the small blocks of time; often when we are in our pjs but not limited to that time) by having coffee with your girlfriends, window shopping just for fun, or doing a host of other activities that fritter away your valuable time. Of course, like many things in life, all of these activities are a valuable part of our existence – if experienced in moderation, but many women tell me how these activities have snuck up and taken over their lives.
Procrastination is sort of like one big excuse machine. It says things to you such as, “I’ve got no ideas, I have Artist’s Block!” or “I can’t paint (or exercise, clean the house, go jogging, finish that important project) today because I am too tired, not in the mood, have a headache, it’s too cold, the baby is crying, my friends want me to have morning tea… I don’t want to do anything today, I’ll do it tomorrow.” This nagging little voice destroys your daily plans and sabotages your efforts to follow your life purpose. It prevents you from painting or drawing and robs you of your joy.

Artwork by Cindy Wider “Just A Bunch Of Mugs” Procrastination fills us with distractions
When procrastination sets in, unless you have a definite plan of action, it can be quite a battle to override it. However, the good news is that you can overcome procrastination once and for all by never allowing it to take hold in the first place. Remember this little mantra and write it everywhere you can to remind yourself;
Just show up at the table!
If you truly wish to overcome your artist’s block once and for all, its important that you acknowledge that you don’t have time for procrastination. Procrastination will hold you back from discovering your life purpose and it needs to be put firmly in its place. You can do this through an activity that I call, ‘Just show up at the table.’ This literally means claiming an area as your art space, such as a table, paint bench or easel. You will probably find that just showing up is the hardest part in the process of overcoming procrastination. Once you actually manage to get to your art space and make that first move to actually pick up the tools, pencil or brush for your creative pursuit, the creative process will take over.
It will be much easier for you to show up at your table if it is in an easily accessible and visible place in your home. If you have no spare space, the easy solution is to have a big box with all your bits and pieces stored neatly in it. Keep your box in a place where you will be able to see it every day. When you are ready you can just plonk it onto your kitchen table. However, an even better option is to have a dedicated table permanently set up in a corner of the room. Set your area up with a music player, your cork board with the motivational messages on it and a comfy chair to work in. This is your personal artist’s haven. You can even place a play-pen around your area to protect it from prying little hands if you have young children or even little dogs. Beware of our beautiful cats though, they are harder to contain but I am sure you can find a creative way of successfully closing off an area if you find your favourite feline friends wants your attention at the same time.
By having this wonderful little area set up specifically for your creative pursuits, it will remind you to keep on track. All you have to do is say to yourself, ‘Just show up at the table.’ Once you are there, simply get started, even if you don’t feel like it at first. Even if you are exhausted after a long day of work, a new energy just kicks in for you.
Begin by reading your motivational messages or just pick up your brush and continue on from where you left off. Gradually you will find that your enjoyment levels begin to rise, as you focus your full attention on your project. Your passion for creativity begins to fire up and then you’re in full swing. The physical act of just showing up at your table sends a clear message to yourself that you are serious about overcoming procrastination once and for all and taking steps towards discovering your life purpose.
Procrastination is not as powerful as you might think and only has power if you give it permission through your indecisiveness. If you ever have a spare moment when you don’t know what to do then, ‘Just show up at the table’ to reclaim that pyjama time for yourself.
If you make a firm and unshakable decision to achieve something, procrastination doesn’t even stand a chance. You will take every opportunity you can, every tiny pyjama time moment to make that dream become a reality. It’s easy to overcome procrastination and defeat Artist’s Block once and for all!
Just show up at the table! The rest will take care of itself.